Rereading My Childhood - The Podcast
I’m a bookish nerd on a mission. I’m rereading the books of my ‘90s childhood: The Baby-Sitters Club, Goosebumps, and Fear Street, and writing a review and summary, so you don't have to read them yourself. I’m Amy A. Cowan and this is Rereading My Childhood - The Podcast. Join me as I read about surprisingly organized middle school clubs, pranks that end in murder, and goo. Lots and lots of goo.
Rereading My Childhood - The Podcast
RELISTEN: The Baby-Sitters Club #1: Kristy's Great Idea by Ann M. Martin
In which I learn how addresses work, heat takes over, and parents make questionable decisions. Originally released 2022/03/03.
I’m a bookish nerd on a mission. I’m rereading the books of my ‘90s childhood: The Baby-Sitters Club, Goosebumps, and Fear Street, and writing a summary and review. I’m Amy A. Cowan and this is Rereading My Childhood - The Podcast.
Rereading My Childhood is written by me, Amy A. Cowan. For a list of every Baby-Sitters Club, Goosebumps, and Fear Street book review I have written or subscribe to the Substack, go to RereadingMyChildhood.com. To listen to the official podcast, visit the website or search for “Rereading My Childhood” in your favorite podcast app. For more information about me, visit AmyACowan.com.
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Main: http://RereadingMyChildhood.com
Links to Amy’s Social Media and About: http://AmyACowan.com
Substack: http://AmyACowan.substack.com
Podcast: https://rereadingmychildhoodthepodcast.buzzsprout.com
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Neon Laser Horizon by Kevin MacLeod
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